1. Log on to www.eayso.org.
2. The next screen is your Member Registration form. Provide your name, contact information and your e-mail address. Choose a username and a password.
3. Once you have completed the Member Registration a screen will appear which states: "Thanks for Registering." Click on the "Back" button.
4. You can now login to the system with the username and password you entered during registration.
5. You will then find a Welcome screen with your name. Click on the "My eayso" link in the upper left portion of the screen and the pre-registration menu will appear.
6. Click on "Edit Member Information" and ensure that information is correct.
7. Click on "View/Edit Parent Information." Complete all red star marked fields (ex. Relationship to child).
8. To pre-register your child, click on "Add a Player." Select Region 212. Answer "yes" or "no" to the question whether your child has played with AYSO before. Click "Next." Enter your child's details. Remember to complete all red star marked fields, click "Save." You will be given 3 choices--Add one more Player, Become a Volunteer and Return to Main menu. Make required selection.
9. To Become a volunteer, click on Become a Volunteer and complete all required fields.
10. After completing steps 8 and 9, Print 3 forms.
Sign all THREE forms and bring copies to registration. A copy of a birth certificate (if child's first year playing), 2 copies of Volunteer forms & the park waiver form.

If you can not make the registration, mail all forms 3 copies of each child's registration forms, park waiver form, payment and a copy of a birth certificate (if child's first year playing) and 2 copies of Volunteer forms to:

AYSO 212
P.O. Box 446
Augusta, MI 49012-0446